People have so many assumptions about snoring and sleep apnea.
They assume that most people snore and that it's not a big deal.
They assume that only overweight older people can have sleep apnea.
They assume that the only way to treat it is with a CPAP machine.
Well, this may come as a surprise to you, but as the only Diplomate of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine in the room (oops, another assumption!), I can say with certainty that none of the above is true.
I've been treating snoring and sleep apnea for almost 10 years, and I can assure you that I hear more wrong things than actual facts about this chronic disease.
Today at 1:00 pm EST I'm going to share with you some truths that will wake you up and blow your mind.
Click here to see me talk about some truths that will wake you up and blow your mind!